Brussels Sprouts

Good quality Brussels sprouts are composed of tightly packed leaves. Each resembles a miniature cabbage head. They should be tight, compact firm heads and pronounced green color and free of yellowed or wilted leaves and should not be puffy or soft in texture.

Care & Handling

Brussels sprouts can be stored safely in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator (Temperatures of 32-34°F and a relative humidity of 90-95% are best.). Stored in a plastic bag, cardboard container or plastic shell container they can be kept for up to 14 days.

Brusseles Sprouts
Pack Size Product Label Case Cases per pallet
1 Lb Clamshell Mr Duke 12 x 1 105
1 Lb Net Bag Mr Duke 24 x 1 56
Bulk Mr Duke 1 x 25lb 56
Process Mr Duke 1 x 25lb 64

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