Iceberg Lettuce

Iceberg lettuce should be springy-firm, with compact heads, crisp texture and sweet flavor. After trimming outer wrapper leaves, the leaves should be a bright light green color. Leaves should be crisp and turgid.

Care & Handling

Mr. Duke's Iceberg Lettuce is vacuum cooled. Storage at 0°C (32°F) with >95% RH are required to optimize lettuce storage life. A shelf-life of 21-28 days can be expected at this temperature and RH. At 5°C (41°F) a shelf-life of 14 days can be expected as long as no ethylene is in the environment.

Iceberg Lettuce
Head count Product Label Cases per pallet Tie High
24 Naked w/liner Mr Duke 40 5 8
24 (individually wrapped) Mr Duke 40 5 8
24 standar Mr Duke 40 5 8
18 jumbo estandar Mr Duke 40 5 8
Carton bins (regular) Mr Duke 1
Carton bins/with liner (clean and cored)
Iceberg Lettuce
Head count Product Label Cases per pallet Tie High
24 (naked w/liner) Royal Green 40 5 8
24 (individually wrapped) Royal Green 40 5 8

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